Networking Solutions
Having a well-functioning network that ensures uninterrupted uptime and optimal efficiency is an absolute necessity in any modern industry.
What We Offer
• Switching & Routing • Load Balancing • Bandwidth Optimization • Remote Access • Wireless Solutions

Switching & Routing
Switches and routers are the building blocks for all business communications, from data to voice and video to wireless access. They help improve profitability by enabling your company to increase productivity, minimize business expenses, improve security and customer service.
As new IP based applications are developed and deployed, the efficiency of routing and switching infrastructure becomes even more important. We offer customized solutions with support for a wide range of inter-networking devices to create the strong networking infrastructure base that our customers can depend upon.

Load Balancing
Load balancing is a solution that can be implemented on a network between servers and clients to distribute requests evenly among resources hosted on a pool of servers. Load balancing solutions use various algorithms and comprehensive monitoring of the network to make intelligent choices about how best to distribute client requests.
Load balancing solutions improve the overall performance of applications by decreasing the burden on servers associated with managing and maintaining application and network sessions, as well as by performing application-specific tasks.
Bandwidth Optimization
The customer’s Wide-Area Network (WAN) is the foundation of their globally connected enterprise, enabling collaboration, communication, business productivity and risk mitigation. The performance of their WAN is critical to everything customers do. With industry standard bandwidth optimization solutions, your businesses can run faster and more efficiently, delivering consistent service levels and cutting the costs of their IT infrastructure.

Remote Access

The increasingly mobile workforce, the move to cloud-based applications, and the extension of access to consultants and business partners are all blurring the boundaries of the traditional enterprise security perimeter. To keep sensitive data safe while simultaneously enabling workers, organizations need to deploy secure remote access solutions even when their employees are located in the office.
When corporate resources are scattered across cloud, on-premises and virtualized applications, the need for a single point of management from which to define and enforce consistent access controls becomes critical in ensuring security and transparency.
Wireless Solutions
With the world going wireless, the technology has opened the doors to a newer level of communications.
The enterprise wireless solutions are on the mainstream and have proved it to be an important tool in getting access to voice, real-time information, company databases, Salesforce automation, email applications, calendar and the other critical information pertaining to a business. We offer both the indoor and outdoor solutions that unify the best features of a wired and wireless network to deliver a manageable secured wireless solution for your enterprise.