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7 Common Myths About CRM Systems - Busted!

common myths about CRMs

CRM myths are an integrated part of the business world. They are harmless unless you believe them. However, myths can cause severe damage to your business if you don’t educate yourselves about them and uncover their true essence.

Let’s have a closer look at seven myths about CRM systems.

1. Only Sales Team Uses CRM

The perception that only the sales team needs a CRM system is a common myth. Nowadays, advanced CRM systems can store huge customer data and record every interaction that prospects or customers have with your brand through different channels. For example, CRMs can capture accurate digital information about your customers’ entire journey on websites and social media. This information can be used by your marketing team, customer service, and support departments to execute personalized promotional campaigns, provide superb customer service and on-time customer support. It means the CRM should be used company-wide for all your teams to be on the same page.

2. CRM Implementation Takes Forever

Previously, the implementation of on-premise CRM software required months depending on the size of the company. Nowadays, this statement belongs to the genre of myth. It takes hours to set the system up and adjust it to the client’s business processes. Usually, implementation partners also offer training courses to ensure the smooth transition of your team to the new software.

3. CRM helps Spy Company Employees

One of the reasons why employees hate using a CRM system is because of the misconception that senior management uses this tool to monitor their work. CRMs indeed give transparency to managers on the performance of each salesperson. However, it shouldn’t be seen as a tool to monitor people’s work because the senior management uses it to measure the productivity of the whole team or company. Moreover, as a salesperson, you can easily develop reports and analyze your own progress.

4. You are Chained to Your Desk to Use CRM

When businesses are out of ideas and objections to why they don’t want to use CRM software, they take this CRM myth as an argument. Salespeople say that they are often out on clients’ sites and use their notebooks or mobile devices for taking notes. According to them, the CRM system will make their job difficult since they have to be chained to their desks for data access and do duplicate work by entering information into the system.

This is a total myth. Nowadays, cloud-based CRM systems ensure access to data anytime, anywhere. For example, you can access your Salesforce CRM via either your mobile browser or mobile application. Download the Salesforce app from Play Market or App Store and have the data at your fingertips. Even if your phone isn’t connected to the Internet, the app allows entering and editing information which is later updated once you go online.

5. CRM is for Large Companies Only

This is a common myth among the owners of small businesses. However, the roots of the myth were once true since, initially, CRM software was targeted at large companies for the following reasons.

  1. Large Companies owned big data and had an issue with keeping it secure and easily accessible by multiple staff members.

  2. To maintain a CRM system, companies had to have advanced IT infrastructure and a dedicated IT team to keep all servers up and running.

However, the situation has changed over time. Nowadays, most CRMs are entirely cloud-based, and neither servers nor IT specialists are required to maintain them. For example, to have a Salesforce CRM, you should buy the licenses, adjust the system to your business processes with the help of an implementation partner (a one-time work), and you’re ready to go. It means that all businesses, regardless of their size, can take full advantage of CRM systems.

6. Data isn’t Secure in Cloud CRM

This CRM myth is common among many businesses that move from on-premise to cloud computing. They are concerned about hacks and security breaches that may lead to losing records of thousands of users acquired over dozens of years.

In reality, keeping data in local servers isn’t more secure than storing them on the cloud. Are you sure that your IT team is more knowledgeable and able to implement more reliable security procedures than the cloud security team? In fact, it’s the opposite. Cloud storages implement advanced security technologies such as SSL encryption and firewalls to keep your data safe.

7. All CRMs are Expensive

Ture, CRM systems can be expensive, but the perception that all of them are high-priced is a myth. Most CRM systems offer free versions with basic limited functionality. Some businesses acquire the free plan and may never move to the paid one as they don’t require advanced features. Others may start with the free version and upgrade their plan over time if they need additional functions. You can even combine the two options. Instead of upgrading the whole system, you can purchase professional licenses for the team members that use the system intensively, while passive users may continue using the free version.

Though Salesforce doesn’t have an unlimited free version, it offers a 30-day trial and four subscription plans - Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited. You can acquire a license at as low as $25 per month.

To sum up, wrong misconceptions about CRM systems may hold you back from automating your business with them. That’s why don’t believe everything you hear about this software. Instead, make certain to always do your homework, ask experts, watch demos, and subscribe to free trials to understand whether your business needs it or not.

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